Do Clear Aligners Really Work to Straighten Teeth?

If you have ever worn braces or know someone close who has, you know the pain and discomfort they can bring to the wearer. Not only that but if you get regular metal braces, there is the fact of how noticeable they are for you and everyone else. Of course, all that has the purpose of fixing any orthodontic issue you may have, but is all that really necessary for you to get a healthy and beautiful smile? The answer will highly depend on your specific situation.
Everett Orthodontic technology has come to a point where orthodontists can fix mild and moderate bad bites without braces. With the use of clear aligners such as Invisalign, it’s possible to go through an orthodontic treatment without everyone you know noticing, and with much less hassle than regular braces.
What Are Invisalign Aligners?
As the name implies, Invisalign aligners are a form of orthodontic treatment in Everett, an alternative to braces, that uses different clear plastic molds, also called trays, to move your teeth into their desired position. They accomplish their task by using an arrangement of slightly different special trays molded specifically to your teeth. Each tray fits snuggly on your mouth and is both completely removable and virtually invisible, providing you with a great option to get the smile you always wanted without covering the one you already have with metal wires.
Although your Everett clear aligners are easy to take off, you are supposed to wear them for around 20 to 22 hours a day. If you are using Invisalign aligners in Everett, you should only remove them for cleaning and eating. For those wondering how to clean Invisalign Aligners, a basic guideline you can follow is to rinse the trays thoroughly every time you remove them and to use a soft bristle toothbrush to brush them at least twice a day.
Of course, an important factor to take into consideration is the clear aligners’ cost. According to Invisalign themselves, they have a similar cost to braces with the added benefits of faster treatment and less noticeable appliances. According to their website, Invisalign can cost you anywhere from $3,400 to $7,100 without insurance.
Is It Possible to Treat Crooked Teeth With Invisalign?
Yes, it is completely possible to treat crooked teeth with Invisalign. It is normal for people to think that their teeth are too crooked for clear aligners to have any effect on them when in reality your Everett Invisalign aligners can be even more effective than regular braces.
Given that regular braces need some tooth surface to stick to, crooked teeth can sometimes be a challenge, as they can’t move every tooth from the beginning. Invisalign on the other hand is a mold made to surround your complete upper or lower teeth, so they apply pressure from the start of the treatment, making it much faster in comparison. Every couple of weeks your orthodontist will give you a new pair of trays. With every different mold your teeth will move slightly until, at the end of the treatment, they reach their desired position.
Not only will your clear aligners fix your misaligned teeth problem, but they will also do it with considerably less pain and discomfort. Aside from putting your teeth and jaw under constant pressure, regular metal braces are most likely to irritate your inner cheeks and lips with their metal pieces and regular orthodontic emergencies such as poking wires, loose brackets, and broken ligatures.
What Other Cases Can Invisalign Help Solve?
Invisalign works wonders in fixing more problems than just crooked teeth or gaps between them. Everett Clear aligners are also able to fix a variety of malocclusions that one may suffer from.
Class 1 malocclusion, also known as an overbite, happens when a patient has their top row of teeth in front of their bottom row of teeth. If there is more than 25% overlap, it’s considered a malocclusion of class 2. Fortunately for everyone, Invisalign can treat both of these types of bad bites. Additionally, an underbite is a more common name for a class 3 malocclusion, which is when your row of lower teeth protrudes in front of your upper teeth. Although clear aligners have come to the point of being able to treat underbite, it’s usually accompanied by surgery to get the best results possible.
It is worth mentioning that while Invisalign is able to have great results in most of the issues mentioned, the more extreme cases of them will require the use of regular braces as they are the only ones that can put the required pressure on your teeth.
Is Invisalign Best for You?
If you are looking to get Invisalign Clear Aligners in Everet, contact us at Silver Lake Orthodontics. We will determine if clear aligners treatments it best for you and begin the orthodontic process as soon as possible.