From Healing Roots to Braces: The Combination of Root Canal and Orthodontic Treatment

One of the first and most important phases to achieving a great smile consists of planning orthodontic treatment. Usually, this step takes place after...

The Latest Invisalign Technological Developments

You might not believe this, but before the seventies, brackets used to be attached to metal bands, and we don’t mean a Rock n’...

Orthodontic Stages That Lead You to a Great Smile

Orthodontic treatment focuses on diagnosing, preventing, and correcting misaligned teeth and jaws, which means you can achieve your results predictively when you advance through...

How Long Does Braces Treatment Take?

If you are considering straightening your teeth, you must know orthodontic treatment requires expert planning and patient compliance. Changing your smile does not happen...

Are Orthodontic Braces the Only Way to Straighten Teeth?

Is it Possible to Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces? To straighten teeth as part of the concept of a perfect smile has never been...

Periodontal Disease and Braces Everett

If your Everett orthodontist has recommended you begin orthodontic treatment, make sure to plan ahead as much as possible. Part of the success of...

Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Reasons for Wisdom Teeth Extraction and How to Survive After Their Removal

Facing wisdom teeth removal is not for the faint of heart. Many signs tell us adulthood is around the corner. During our teenage years,...

Are Water Irrigators an Alternative During Braces Treatment?

Oral hygiene is always and forever essential. It should be part of your daily routine, no skipping days, no cheating. Dental health is part...

Having Braces And Eating Healthily Delicious

Knowing you must wear braces for one or two years sometimes is not something you planned. However, in some cases, patients are thrilled to...

Discomfort Causes And Diet During the First Week Of Braces

What Foods Can You Eat During The First Week of Braces? Everett Orthodontics is a discipline that concerns the displacement of body tissue by...